
Why home remedies won’t fix your foot fungus

If you develop toenail fungus, it may be tempting to try out some home remedies to get rid of the problem. However, true toenail fungus isn’t something that can be fixed with a simple home solution, and could even make the problem worse and waste materials, money and time. You may have heard everything from […]

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Don’t let your New Year’s Resolution create foot problems

If you’re like many Americans, you’ll be hitting the gym this January in an effort to become more active in 2016. But while that goal is great, it’s also an easy way to hurt your foot health if you aren’t careful. Select the right socks. One of the easiest ways to get toenail fungus is […]

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Keeping clear toes at the pedicure chair

It’s pretty common knowledge that an easy way to get infected with toenail fungus is through unsanitary conditions at a nail salon. But since not everyone is willing to forego their pedicure indulgences completely, here are a few tips to help you scout out a safe pedicure chair from one that could harbor fungus-causing bacteria. […]

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8 Ways to Improve Blood Circulation to Your Feet and Prevent Toenail Fungus

If you’re dealing with impaired blood circulation in your feet, you may be a candidate for nail fungus treatment. Why? It’s simple, really. Toenail fungus is oftentimes the result of bad circulation. When the blood flow in your legs isn’t what it should be, there are several things you can do in an effort to improve […]

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Why Do I Have Toenail Fungus?

Nail fungus treatment isn’t something to look forward to. In fact, it generally turns out to be quite an inconvenience. Familiarizing yourself with some of the most popular causes of toenail fungus will significantly help to eliminate the possibility of dealing with it again in the future. The following reasons don’t make up a complete list. However, […]

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Do I Have to Treat Toenail Fungus?

If you’re wondering whether or not you have to treat toenail fungus, unfortunately, the answer is yes. In fact, the sooner you begin nail fungus treatment, the better off you’ll be. Choosing to ignore the problem can turn into a dangerous situation. This is especially true if you have bad circulation, diabetes or take certain types […]

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The Side Effects of Oral Antifungal Medications You Must Know About

Once you learn more about the side effects of oral anti-fungal medications, you may want to consider laser fungus treatment as a safe alternative. Yes, this type of treatment is typically a bit more expensive. However, it’s 100% safe and pain-free. Regardless of the condition you’re treating, all medicines have side effects. There’s just no way around […]

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Who is Most Likely to Get Toenail Fungus?

It’s a proven fact that certain groups of individuals are more likely to undergo nail fungus treatment, at some point in their lives. If you happen to fall into one of these groups, there’s no need to panic. Even though fungal nail infection accounts for roughly half of all nail abnormalities, a small percentage (6% – […]

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Did Your Toenails Separate from the Nail Bed? Toenail Fungus Might Be the Cause

Did one of your toenails recently separate from the nail bed? If so, it might be time to embark on a nail fungus treatment regimen. This type of, usually painful, separation is just one symptom of toenail fungus. Of course, there are times when nail separation occurs for other reasons. But, if you haven’t experienced any other […]

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Are Your Toenails Yellow and Dull? Toenail Fungus Might be the Reason

Nail fungus treatment isn’t something to look forward to. Unfortunately, many people contend with it every day. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the signs and symptoms of fungal nail infection. The longer it’s left untreated, the worse this condition gets. More importantly, it never goes away on its own. Symptoms of Nail Fungus Healthy toenails are […]

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