Using Oregano Oil For Nail Fungus

Oregano oil is a wonderful natural product that can be used to treat nail fungus. When toenails and fingernails become infected with fungus, it can be hard to deal with. Although there are many treatments available in the market, these products do not usually penetrate into the deeper parts of the nails. This makes the fungal infection even more difficult to cure. When the infection worsens, it causes the nails to become thick, brittle and yellowish.

The unsightly appearance of the toenails is not the only problem though. The hard and brittle nails can tear the skin as they break. This will not only cause pain, but opens a possibility for a bacterial infection. There are many natural remedies for the infection and oregano oil is one of most recommended options. It may not only treat the condition, but may provide other benefits as well.

How to Use Oregano Oil for Nail Fungus

It is best to apply warm oil on the infected nails. The warmth allows it to penetrate deeper into the nail bed to kill fungi. The oil can be dropped directly on the nails, but when added to a nail soak, it becomes even more efficient.

A nail soak is easy to prepare. Add one part of vinegar to two parts of water and let it boil. Chop a clove of garlic and some licorice and add them to the mixture. Once the mixture has boiled, let it cool down until it is lukewarm. Add a few drops of oregano oil, with some tea tree oil if possible, and mix properly. Soak the infected nails into the mixture for around 20 to 30 minutes. Repeat the soak 2-3 times every week until the infection is healed.

Enhancing the Effect of Treatment

Topical application gives rise to penetration issues when treating nail fungus. Hence, it is also a good idea to take the natural ingredients orally as well. Licorice, for example, can be made into refreshing tea, especially when mixed with lemongrass and chamomile. These herbs have anti-fungal properties that can strengthen the effects of the nail soak from the inside. Garlic can also be eaten raw or cooked.

Herbal oil extract also comes in supplement form. The active ingredients from herbs get concentrated into a pill, which can be easily swallowed. This is a good option if fresh forms are not available. Since supplement are still processed products, it is best to consult your doctor before taking them.You can buy the oil from brick and mortar health stores or from online sources. As a recommendation, buy from a reputable seller. If you want to use oregano oil for nail fungus and see positive results, then better ensure its quality.


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