Are There any Restrictions on Laser Toenail Fungus Treatment?

Toenail fungus, regrowth
Laser treatment is a fast and effective method for getting rid of fungal infections, but are there any restrictions on laser toenail fungus treatment? The treatment is painless, and there are no known side effects. If you have tried home remedies or over-the-counter medications unsuccessfully, you might be ready for a laser treatment.

How Does Laser Get Rid of Nail Fungus?

It is easy to pick up a fungal infection from public showers or swimming pools, and at first you may not notice the infection at all. It usually starts as a small yellow or white spot under the nail, but spreads around the nail or to other toes. If you have had a fungal infection in your toenail, you know how uncomfortable and unattractive it can be.

We use a handheld device that directs the laser beam on the required spot on your toe and vaporizes the fungal pores. It takes approximately ten minutes to treat one foot. The fungus is killed immediately, but the damaged nail has to grow out before you will see a visible improvement.

Are There Restrictions on Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus?

There are no age limits or other restrictions. You will not feel any pain during the treatment, and there is no need to use anesthesia. The treatment is suitable for most people.

However, it is important that we talk to you before a treatment, examine your toenails and ask questions about your medical history and possible previous treatments. We will have to check how severe the infection is. We will also explain to you what happens during the treatment and how you should prepare.

Restrictions on Treating Toenail Fungus with Laser: Pre-Treatment and Aftercare Tips

Any nail polish should be removed before the laser treatment. You can paint your nails again after the treatment. It is best to use a new bottle of nail polish, so that there is no risk of re-infection. We will also give you detailed guidelines for keeping your feet free of further infections:

  • toenail fungus thrives in moist and dark conditions, so keep the feet clean and dry to prevent fungal infections
  • keep the shower and the bathroom clean to prevent re-infection
  • disinfect any nail clippers and other equipment you use for home pedicures.
  • Read more details on aftercare advice.

Some people might only need one treatment to get rid of the infection permanently. Some people need a few sessions to remove existing infection and any re-infections. It can take 3-6 months for a new healthy nail to replace the old damaged nail, so a follow-up visit is usually required to check that the new growing nail is healthy. Because there are no laser toenail fungus treatment restrictions, anyone can now try this effective method for getting rid of fungal infections.


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