Toenail Fungus Treatment Clinic

Toenail fungal infections cause unsightly nail discoloring, thickening and distortion. In some situations, the infection causes pain and odor. Treating the condition can prove difficult, although a toenail fungus treatment clinic can provide modern services to manage the condition and treat the problem. Laser technologies have improved the outcome of toenail fungus treatments and do not harm normal cells underneath the nail.

What Are the Symptoms of Toenail Fungus?

Dermatophytes, a group of fungi, usually cause infections of the toenails. Despite this, mold and yeast can also cause the same problem. Toenail infections are more common than fingernail infections because the fungi that infect the nails thrive in warm, moist and dark places, such as socks and shoes. Fungal infections of the nails, or onychomycosis, cause a range of symptoms that affect the appearance of the toenails. Following are some common symptoms of an infection:

  • Thick nails
  • Shape distortion
  • Discoloration resulting in a darkened appearance
  • Brittle condition
Usually, the first sign of a fungal infection is discoloration, generally white, under the nail. If the condition persists, it can become worse and cause your nails to separate from the nail bed, which causes pain and odor. Separation from the nail bed also allows debris and germs to reach underneath the nail. If left untreated, complications can arise. Permanent nail damage is common in people who do not seek treatment. In addition, nail infections can complicate other medical conditions, such as diabetes.

How Can a Toenail Fungus Treatment Clinic Help?

In the past, medical professionals prescribed oral medications or patients purchased topical treatments to treat fungal infections. In many cases, these methods works, but in still many others, they did not. In addition, some people experienced negative side effects, including concerns with the liver, bowel problems and headaches. Technological innovations have improved the techniques and equipment available to treat fungal infections. Modern treatment clinics offer laser technology that targets the fungal cells and leaves healthy cells intact. In addition, laser treatments do not cause thermal damage.

Fungal clinic staff will place a patient’s toes into state-of-the-art laser equipment approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The machine creates pulses that last an extremely short time. The entire process takes up to an hour, depending on the severity of the infection. The patient will feel a warm sensation and the toenails are not harmed physically or at the molecular level.

ClearToesClinic offers a modern approach to resolving concerns with fungal infection. Patients do not need anesthesia and experience no pain after the process is complete; you can return to your normal activities once the procedure is done. Roughly 95% of a sampling of patients who used our laser technology experience significant clearing after treatment.


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