Understanding Common Toenail Problems


There are a few different toenail problems that plague millions each year and understanding a bit about them can help users remedy the situation when it arrives.

Common Toenail Problems

Each of the problems discussed here are incredibly common and most individuals will experience them at some point in their lives. By understanding the basics of the problems users can determine how to treat and remedy these issues as quickly and easily as possible.

Toenail Fungus and Infection

Infection and fungus is the most common issue that people suffer regarding feet. Infection can be contracted in any number of ways such as contact with the bacteria in a bathroom or shower, ingrown toenails, lacerations, or even cuts that become infected. Infection and fungus is incredibly common and because feet spend most of their time in warm, dark, and sometimes damp shoes, the foot is the perfect breeding ground for infection and various bacteria.

The first step to working through bacteria and infection is to isolate the cause of the infection or fungus. Often times simply identifying when the infection or fungus was contracted is enough to determine what treatment is going to work best for that particular issue. Each infection is different and knowing where it came from can help determine the proper treatment.

Toenail Deformity

Toenail deformity can include any number of issues from hammer toe, to bunions, to ingrown toenails, to breaks and cracks. These can be caused by any number of factors but most commonly, the cause is none other than ill fitting shoes. The fit of a shoe can affect the growth of the toenail tremendously. Shoes that are too small or that constrict the toes can force the nail to grow back on and into the foot causing intense pain and in some cases infection. Injury can also be a cause for deformity of the nail. This can include things like stubbing or smashing a toe, getting something lodged beneath it, or even cutting the nail too short.

Change in Texture

This can include things like brittleness, thinness, breakage, and even ridges and other issues. This is generally the result of an imbalance or an deficiency in some vitamin or mineral that is necessary for the formation of toenails. Generally it is a deficiency in some fat or lipid that helps to encourage the healthy growth of toenails. Again, the shoes that people wear can affect the texture of the nail.

Using something like a multi-vitamin that geared toward hair, skin, and nails may be a solution. If change in texture becomes very intense or continues after taking supplements or using topical solutions, it may be necessary to see a doctor or specialist about other options that may be available.


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