Solutions To Cure Toenail Fungus

solutions to cure toenail fungusThere are a variety of toenail fungus cures that can be applied in cases where severe stages have not set in. These cures usually stem the fungus from growing any more in the infected area but may not necessarily cure the actual fungus. Home treatments can help relieve the pain but not necessarily cure the problem.

Curing Toenail Fungus

The very worst thing that a person can do about toe fungus is to ignore it. This will not go away unless some sort of prevention remedy is applied. In fact, by ignoring the problem will make it worse. The beginning stages of toenail fungus can be treated in the following manners.

Home Remedies

Soak the foot

Soaking the foot in a pan of warm water helps soothe the skin and makes the skin surrounding the toenail supple. While soaking the foot try and lift the toenail up and out so that the water can penetrate it. This will make you feel better and help stop the growth of the fungus. Make sure that after soaking the feet that they are dried thoroughly. Rubbing a Vicks compound to the affected areas also helps in combating the disease.

Let your feet breathe

During the period of recovery, giving your feet as much air as possible is needed. As much as possible, try to go barefoot or at least wear sandals. If this is not possible, wearing cotton socks and shoes that are not tight fitting will help in the healing process. For the women, not having to wear tight shoes and not wearing hosiery will also help combat the problem.

Over the Counter Products

If your local pharmacist can recommend something off the shelf, then making sure that it is applied according to the directions may help. In a lot of cases, remedies stated by over the counter products may not cure the problem. They may only arrest the fungus temporarily and a more permanent solution will be needed in order to eradicate the disease.

Best Remedy Treatment Plan

Keeping your toenails healthy is important. If afflicted with any type of a toenail fungus, having a laser treatment procedure done at my business office can be one of the best investments that you can make.

It is a proven fact that laser kills the fungus that causes the bacteria to grow. There is no discomfort during the procedure which is quick and painless that can be accomplished within 30 minutes.

Normal activity can be commenced right after the surgery has been performed. Treating toenail fungus cures through the laser treatment plan has been effective for a lot of people already. This certainly can be applied in your case for an effective and proven treatment.


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