What is The Best Medication for Toenail Fungus?

Left untreated, toenail fungus can thicken the nail and disfigure the appearance of the toe. It’s important to seek medical attention to reduce the scarring, pain and disfigurement — but what is the best medication for toenail fungus?

Best Cure For Toenail Fungus

Let’s discuss some of the options that are available to treat toenail fungus, and other types of nail fungus.

Topical Treatments

Topical treatments are applied directly to the toenail. The medications are designed to absorb into the toenail area, killing the fungus that exists under the nail that is causing the discoloration and thickening of the nail. Topical treatments are effective in some cases, and less effective in others.

Patients that are seeing disfigurement of the toenail may not see results from using these treatments, as it can be difficult to get the medication to the nail bed, where it can effectively kill the fungus. The treatments are painted on to the nail, similar to nail polish, and can often require multiple treatments to be effective. You will need to speak with your doctor to determine the best medication for toenail fungus.

Oral Medications for Toenail Fungus

Medications designed to be taken orally can also help to treat the toenail fungus, but come with the potential of the patient developing adverse side effects. Oral treatments can be more effective than topical treatments that are applied directly to the toe, as the blood stream assists in getting rid of the fungal infection in the nail bed, which causes the thickening and unappealing appearance of the nail. However, oral treatments aren’t always an effective way to treat the toenail fungal infection.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is one of the most effective ways of treating toenail fungus. This procedure is quite easy and it only takes around 30 minutes. This method has a success rate of over 90%. The best thing is that the procedure painless. Patients only report feeling a warm sensation during the procedure. You should however note that this treatment is not covered by insurance companies because they regard it as a cosmetic treatment. However, you need not worry because it is quite affordable.

Laser Therapy Clinics

There are many clinics that offer laser treatments for toenail fungus; however, few can compare to Clear Toes Clinic. The clinic uses the world’s most advanced laser and expertly-trained staff to help you get rid of fungal infections. This makes laser treatment one of the best ways to get rid of toenail fungus.


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