The Most Effective Ways to Nurture Our Feet

well nurtured feetOne of the most overlooked parts of the human body is the foot. We use our feet to exercise, dance, climb stairs and many other functions we take for granted. We also abuse our feet because we fail to nurture our feet.

How to Nurture Your Feet

We use our feet on a daily basis, therefore, nurturing your feet should come naturally. Many people overlook the importance of feet, and so they fail to take good care of them. As a result, people end up getting fungal infections or other feet related infections. Listed below are some of the most effective ways of nurturing ones feet.

Daily Foot Care

All it takes is a little extra time, every day, to keep our feet in shape. Basic foot care applies to men as well as women. Here are a few daily foot health care tips:

  • Wash your feet with warm water and soap. This task is especially important at the end of the day when feet are tired. After drying the feet thoroughly, follow it up with using a light pumice stone to remove dead skin. Note that it is the dead skin that often causes foot odor.
  • Another way to nurture your feet and get rid of dead skin is to use lotions that are made for this purpose. The last step is to apply a moisturizer to the feet.
  • Massage feet nightly to relieve tiredness. Foot massage is also a great way to nurture your feet, as well as relieving stress. Soaking the feet in warm water with Epsom salts is another excellent way to give them some relief.
  • Pamper your feet by putting olive oil on your feet and then put on a pair of comfortable socks at bedtime.

Weekly Foot Care

Toenails should be checked at least once a week to see if they need to be trimmed. Nails should be cut straight across at the desired length. Check under the nails for dirt, too.

Check your feet for any visible problems and contact a podiatrist to examine and treat any foot concerns. You need to have your feet in good working shape every day. Pay special attention to bunions, bone spurs and knots in the arch and rashes. Have these problems looked at immediately. This is an important and practical way to nurture your feet.

Other Ways of Nurturing Your Feet

There are other ways to nurture your feet that are healthy and help them stay in good shape.

  • Shoes are extremely important in keeping feet healthy. When buying new shoes, go later in the day because feet are smaller when you first get up and get bigger during the course of the day. Always measure both of your feet—with socks or hose on—when buying shoes. In addition to feet problems, poor fitting shoes can cause back, knee and hip problems.
  • When at a public swimming pool or locker room, wear sandals, water shoes or flip-flops to protect the feet from athlete’s foot and other foot fungal diseases. Fungal infections can become a lifelong problem for the feet if not recognized and treated quickly.
  • If you work at a desk, stand up occasionally during the day, take off your shoes and rise up on your toes to stretch your feet.

Although nurturing your feet will reduce the chances of getting fungal infections, it does not make you immune to it. Therefore, if you ever get toenail fungal infection, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible. Clear Toes Clinic has been treating toenail fungus for a long time. The use of lasers has greatly increased the success of treatments.


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