Are There Different types of Toenail Fungus?

Foot fungus HoustonIt may be gross, but let’s look at the types of toenail fungus.

A toenail can reveal a lot about your overall health and can also provide the sign of a systemic disease.

For example, thick and discolored nails can represent toenail infections. A toenail infection is caused by a fungus and such infection is called onychomycosis. Toenail infections may cause pain in the toes or fingertips. Fungal infections develop on nails exposed to moist environments like sweaty socks and shoes or wet floors.

There are different types of toenail infections:

• Distal subungual onychomycosis (DSO)
• White superficial onychomycosis (WSO)
• Candida onychomycosis
• Proximal subungual onychomycosis (PSO)

Distal subungual onychomycosis (DSO): It is the most common type of nail infection, which is caused by a fungus. The fungus infects the nail bed. In severe conditions, the nails may crumble, break and separate from the skin. A thick nail with large amount of debris under the nail may cause uneasiness while wearing shoes.

White superficial onychomycosis (WSO): This is the second most common type of fungal infection. It affects the top layer of the nail and forms white spots on the nail surface. In severe conditions, the entire nail surface appears crumbly. However, the nail does not thicken and does not separate from the skin. This infection can be easily treated.

Candida onychomycosis: This type of infection is also called as yeast infection. It is uncommon, but can affect the nail and skin surrounding the nail. This type of infection is more common in fingertips than toenails. In severe conditions, the nail gets separated from the nail bed. After infection the nail color changes and may become discolored white, brownish, or green. Unlike other nail infections, this type of infection may cause pain as well.

Proximal subungual onychomycosis (PSO): This nail infection is caused by dermatophytes. It’s more common in people infected with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). In this infection, the nail base gets infected and results in thickening of the skin. The nail base may appear white and opaque.

Signs and symptoms of toenail fungal infections:

• Brittleness
• Thickening of the nail
• Debris trapped under the nail
• White or yellow streaks on the side of the nail
• Loosening or lifting up of the nail
• Change in nail shape, crumbling edges

Fungal nail infections are common and can even go undetected for years. The moist and dark environment inside the shoes provides a perfect place to grow for fungi. Infections spread from areas where many people gather together, such as swimming pools, and the gym. The early signs of infections are slight and can go undetected for years.

With time, as infections become prominent. The toenail becomes thicker and a yellow-brown stain clouds the nail. The toes may also smell. If untreated, the infections can spread to other toes and may result in tingling and pain.

Prevention against toenail fungus infection
To prevent toenail fungal infection, it is important to good hand and foot hygiene. The following are some preventive measures against fungal infection:

• Avoid going barefoot in public places
• Keep nails short and clean
• Use an anti-fungal spray
• Wear absorbent cotton socks and change socks regularly
• Wash hands and feet regularly

Treating Nail Fungus
In case of mild fungal infection, apply topical over-the-counter anti-fungal ointment. However, in case of severe toenail infection, laser toenail fungus treatment is very effective. It is always advised to see a doctor for the treatment. Self-medication should never be practiced. It is important to diagnose the disease and get the right treatment from a certified health professional.

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