Why You Should Be Worried About Your Toenail Fungus Infection

toenail fungus houstonA toenail fungus infection occurs when a fungus makes its way into your toenail or nail bed (the skin underneath your toenail). This can be either through a small graze in the skin surrounding your nail or through an opening in between your nail and nail bed.

An infection may begin as a small, innocuous white or yellow spot under the tip of your toenail. As it spreads deeper into your nail, it may cause unsightly nail discoloration and thickening.

The importance of treating toenail fungus

Toenail fungus infections can be painful. If left untreated, they may cause permanent damage to your toenails. They also may lead to a range of other infections, some of which have the potential to spread beyond your feet. If you have a condition that suppresses your immune system, such as diabetes or AIDS, the importance of treating toenail fungus cannot be overstressed.

Diabetic neuropathy causes reduced blood flow and nerve damage in your lower limbs. So you will be at a greater risk of toenail fungus infection dangers. Therefore, if you have developed a toenail fungus infection, see a physician right away.

Reducing your risk of toenail fungus infection dangers

Toenail fungus infections can be extremely challenging to treat. But if you ignore the problem, you will put yourself at risk of toenail fungus infection dangers. Over-the-counter toenail infection treatments are readily available for purchase, but they can prove ineffective. For this reason, you may wish to seek stronger, prescription-only medications from your physician.

Oral medications

Your physician may recommend an oral antifungal medication, such as terbinafine or itraconazole. These medications help eliminate your fungus, enabling you to grow a nail free of infection. For the best results, you will typically need to take your antifungal medication for six to 12 weeks. However, you will not see visible results until a new nail replaces the infected portion of your toenail.

Antifungal nail paint

If you have a mild to moderate infection, your physician may provide you with an antifungal nail polish called ciclopirox. To clear your infection, you will need to paint this lacquer onto your infected nails once a day for around a year.

Topical antifungal creams and lotions

Topical antifungal creams and lotions will not cure your toenail fungus infection. However, your physician may prescribe them to speed up the absorption of other antifungal medications. They may also file the surface of your nail to reduce the size of the infected area and help the treatments to better penetrate your nail.

Toenail removal surgery

If your toenail infection is severe, your physician may remove your nail — a procedure known as an avulsion. A new nail will grow in its place, although it may take as long as a year to completely grow back.

Laser treatment

This advanced therapy involves the use of high-powered light energy. It penetrates your nail and helps to clear up your toenail fungus.

Preventing recurrent infections

Once you have eliminated your toenail infection, you will need to practice good foot hygiene. If you fail to do so, your infection may recur, forcing you to embark on a further course of treatment.

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