Why Home Remedies For Toenail Fungus Don’t Work


A yellow or white toenail can be a sign of a fungal infection. This common problem can be uncomfortable and even painful, and in the long term it can cause permanent damage to the nail. There are many at home remedies for toenail fungus, including

• Vinegar
• Tea tree oil
• Baking soda

Typical symptoms of infection include a nail that grows brittle or starts to crumble; a nail that changes color and becomes white or yellow, and a nail that starts to grow separate from the nail bed. The infection is caused by dermatophytes, a type of a fungus that spreads easily in public shower rooms. Treatments include natural remedies, over-the-counter medications and even surgery. Most people try home remedies first, but do home remedies work for toenail fungus?

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree essential oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) is antifungal and antibacterial. It can help to get rid of fungal infections. You need to apply the oil on the infected nail daily, and you must continue the treatment diligently for several weeks or sometimes many months. Use a clean cotton bud to apply a drop of tea tree oil directly on the infected nail and the nail bed (the skin under the nail).

You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil into a footbath. Soak your feet in the bath for 10-15 minutes. Remember to dry the feet carefully afterwards.

Vinegar Treatments

Vinegar can help to get rid of fungal infections naturally. Many people like to use apple cider vinegar although white wine vinegar works too. You can apply a little vinegar directly on the nail, or you can add a spoonful of vinegar into a bucket of warm water and take a foot bath. You can also mix baking soda with the vinegar and use it as a topical treatment on the toenail.

Why Home Remedies Do Not Work

Tea tree oil, vinegar and regular foot baths can help to relieve or even get rid of the infection, but unfortunately fungal infections often come back after a while. If home remedies do not work, the infection can get more severe and spread to other toenails. In the long run a fungal infection can also cause permanent damage to the nail. The nail often grows separate from the nail bed, which then becomes increasingly sensitive.

It is time to consider other treatment options. Laser treatments are increasingly popular because they are effective, painless and quick. They can also help to remove the fungus permanently.

Laser Treatment for Fungal Infections

In a typical laser treatment, the laser is directed on the infected nail, where it destroys the fungus in a few minutes. The whole session takes less than half an hour, and the dermatophytes are killed instantly. Aftercare is very important to prevent further infections while the old nail grows out and a new healthy nail grows in its place.

Wash your feet well every evening and dry them thoroughly to keep the area between the toes dry. To prevent toenail infections, wear flip-flops or sandals whenever using public shower rooms. Toenail fungus can also spread through shared nail clippers or towels so always use your own.

In many cases, home remedies for toenail fungus help remove the infection for a while, but the problem often comes back. If the infection is severe, if it keeps recurring, or if home remedies do not work after a while, you need a more effective solution. Laser treatment is a painless and effective procedure, and it does not require surgery or removal of the toenail.

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