Is Your Salon Causing Toenail Fungus?

toenail fungus from nail salonsIs possible to get toenail fungus from nail salons?

Humans have fungi, to some degree, all over their bodies. A fungal infection occurs when an overgrowth of fungus occurs in a particular location on a person’s body. For example, a fungal infection on or under toenails is a relatively common occurrence.

How Fungi Transfers from Person to Person
The stark reality is fungi can transfer from a person to an inanimate object, and then to another individual. For example, fungi can transfer from a person to nail clippers, emery boards and other manicure tools.

Because of the manner in which fungi spreads, it is very possible for a fungal infection to be passed from customer to customer in a salon. The only way in which this type of transfer can be prevented is if the salon staff properly disinfects tools between use.

Precautions When Visiting a Nail Salon

1. A consumer can take certain steps to better ensure that the tools used in a nail salon have been properly disinfected.

2. Speak up and ask questions. A fundamental step is simply asking when and how tools were sanitized or disinfected. Of course, there is always a risk that a nail salon owner or manicurist may provide false information. Nonetheless, this is a necessary step for all customers to take.

3. Inquire how frequently disinfecting solutions are changed. Placing tools into disinfecting solutions is all well and good. But, if the sterilizing solution is not appropriately fresh, placing tools into the solution is of little value.

4. Ask to see where tools are sterilized or disinfected. It’s a reasonable to ask to see exactly where the tool disinfection process is taking place.

5. Observe the salon. Look for containers in which tools are being disinfected. Salons committed to keeping their customers safe are likely to have these vessels displayed in a public area.

6. Get references and recommendations before visiting a salon. Nail salons are ubiquitous features in strip malls across America. One might be more convenient to a person than another. Before setting foot into a nail salon, get specific references and recommendations. Ask about cleanliness and infections.

7. Local health departments maintain public records about sanitation issues and violations at nail salons. Local health departments maintain public access to this type of information through their websites. Although a salon’s history is not a guarantee of what future performance will be like, it is important nonetheless.

Keep in Mind: It’s Not Just Fungal Infections
Staph and other types of blood-borne infections can also be caught in nail salons.

There have been reports of people contracting highly resistant strains of infections from tools in nail salons.

Because these types of infections are a possibility when visiting a nail salon, take a proactive stance in preventing any type of infection

Reputable Nail Salons and Your Health
In the end, reputable nail salons need to be concerned about toenail fungus and the appearance and the health and safety of their clients.

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