Little Known Causes of Ingrown Toenails in Children

It is extremely important to understand what causes ingrown toenails in children. There are a number of reasons you or your child might develop an ingrown toenail; however, identifying the most common reasons and knowing how to avoid potential problems can significantly reduce the likelihood that you will face this problem. Of course, even with the very best foot care regimen, it is still possible to find yourself facing the discomfort of an ingrown toenail.

Common Causes of Ingrown Toenails in Children

An ingrown toenail occurs when the toenail begins to grow into the soft skin on either side of the nail. Some of the most common causes of ingrown toenail in children include the following:

Injuries to the toe – An injury to the toe, especially one that causes the nail to fall off, can lead to a higher likelihood of developing an ingrown toenail.

Shoes that do not fit properly – If your shoes are too short, they can cause the toenail to become ingrown as it pushes against the soft skin on either side of the nail. Tight shoes can cause the same type of problem by pushing the soft skin over the nail, allowing the nail to grow into the skin.

Repetitive use – Activities such as kicking a ball over and over again can lead to an ingrown toenail.

Improper nail trimming – The most common cause of ingrown toenails is not trimming the nails properly. Whether you rip the nail, have rounded corners or cut them too short, these poor methods of nail care can quickly lead to an ingrown nail. It is important to cut the nail straight across and ensure it has defined corners to avoid having it grow into the surrounding skin.

Symptoms of Ingrown Toenails in Kids

An ingrown toenail can quickly become inflamed, red and painful. One of the first indications that your child might have an ingrown toenail is the pain it can cause. If the skin around the nail looks red and irritated, chances are that your child has ingrown toenails. Additional symptoms might include a foul odor or discharge, indicating that an infection has already set in. If the pain continues or an infection is present, it is important to seek medical attention. Fortunately, when you teach kids how to properly care for their nails, the chances of children developing an ingrown toenail is greatly reduced.

Taking good care of your feet is important and can help avoid the pain of an ingrown toenail. Additionally, if you are suffering with nail fungus, the professionals at Clear Toes Clinic can provide effective nail treatment options.


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