Here’s a Quick Way to Get Rid of White Toenail Fungus

If white or yellow spots begin to appear under your toenails and gradually progress to discoloration and thickened nails, it is likely you have white toenail fungus. There are several different types of nail fungal infections. While some infections cause nails to become darker in color, white fungus produces lighter spots. Fortunately, there are medications and other forms of treatment available to restore your toe nails and prevent further damage.

Causes of White Toenail Fungus

The medical name of this toenail fungus is White Superficial Onychomycosis. It occurs when fungi invades one or more toenails and causes the superficial layers to wear out. Fungi can enter your nail bed through small visible or invisible incisions. Unfortunately, your shoes provide the ideal environment for fungi to survive and spread because they are dark, moist and warm.

Nail fungus tends to invade toenails more than fingernails. This is because there is less blood circulating to the toes than to hands. Poor blood circulation makes it difficult for your immune system to find and eradicate it from your body.

Symptoms of a White Toenail Fungal Infection

As its name suggests, white superficial onychomycosis produces white or yellow spots on the toenails. Over time, the nail will begin to thicken and become distorted. Discoloration begins to worsen and ultimately leads to darker toenails.

Toenails might begin to be ragged, brittle or crusty as the fungi grows and lodges deeper inside the nail. If left untreated, infected nails may develop an unpleasant odor.

Treatment Options for White Toenail Fungal Infection

Topical Anti-fungal Creams: these are creams that contain anti-fungal properties that you should apply to the infected toenail. Although topical anti-fungals are criticized for their low efficacy, they still provide relief for patients with minor cases.

Oral Medications: oral treatment like itraconazole and terbinafine are extremely effective when it comes to curing fungal infection. Regimens are shorter than those of other medications and they have fewer side effects.

Home Remedies: Tea tree oil and grapefruit seed extract are two of the most recommended home remedies by experts. They are used the same way as “nail lacquer”. Choose one to apply directly onto the infected nail twice a day until you achieve the desired results.

Diet: medical experts recommend adding garlic to your daily menu. For best results, eat two cloves of garlic a day to benefit from its anti-fungal properties.

How to Prevent White Toenail Fungal Infection

If you are prone to nail infections, it is highly advisable to keep both fingernails and toenails short. Since fungi lives in darker, moist and warmer environments, refrain from walking barefoot or with open shoes around swimming pools, ponds and other wet places.

After showering or swimming, dry your feet as quickly as possible. Wear waterproof footwear whenever you can, and make sure socks can absorb moisture well. If you have a recurring infection that does not heal with home remedies, visit your physician for treatment.

Although toenail infections are common, they should never be ignored. Leaving a white toenail fungus untreated can cause irreparable damage to your nail and make your body resistant to treatment.


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