Toenail Fungus Symptoms and Causes

Most cases of nail fungus involve the toenails because fungus thrives in damp, dark and warm conditions and individuals affected usually where socks and shoes often. People tend to take better care of their hands than they do their feet, which raises opportunity for toenail fungus symptoms to appear and fungi to thrive.

What Causes Toenail Fungus

  • Poor general health
  • Ingrown toenail
  • Damp feet
  • Diabetes
  • Tight fitting shoes
  • Broken toenails
  • Hangnails
  • Communal showers
  • Humidity

Age and personal hygiene

As people age, the chances of acquiring toenail fungi increase so special care should be taken to avoid moisture in the feet and places that host the fungus. Using communal showers, swimming pools or gyms can also cause fungal infection, as well as sharing personal items like toenail cutters or slippers.

If athlete’s foot is left untreated, it can spread the fungus to the toenails. Athletes normally wear tight fitting shoes and practice for hours, which cause significant trauma to the feet and lead to moisture and the spreading of fungus to the entire body.

PH Levels

Sometimes the skin will have abnormal PH levels and if combined by a lack of proper drying of feet after a bath, it can cause the condition.

Yeast, molds

Fungal infections are basically microscopic organisms which can grow without sunlight; warm most skin is enough to grow them. These same microorganisms that cause athlete’s foot are what lead to toenail fungus. Among the common microorganisms, which lead to this condition are:

  • Trichophyton interdigitale
  • Trichophyton soudanense
  • Microsporum gypseum
  • Trichophyton violaceum

Care for Your Skin to Prevent Toenail Fungus Symptoms

The skin under the nail, or the nail bed, is one of the areas fungi attacks; it can also appear if there are small cuts in the skin near the toenails. In healthy people, fungus won’t have much of an effect, except perhaps looking ugly and damaging the toenail, but if you suffer from diabetes, then it could lead to more serious problems.

Persons with weak immune systems are also in danger of suffering worse condition if infected with fungus, so seek the counsel of a doctor if you come across it. Yeast and molds can grab hold of your feet while walking barefoot in public showers or sharing towels. If a person has athlete’s foot, then the fungus can spread to their nails.


At our clinic, a doctor will diagnose infections by looking at your feet and inquiring about past health and symptoms. Test may be done to ascertain the presence of fungi. Treatments include nail polish, laser treatment and antifungal cream. We try methods of treatment to bring about a complete cure from the fungus.

Toenail Fungus Symptoms to Lookout For

  • Nails turning yellow
  • Nails getting thicker
  • Nails splitting and separating from skin

If you are experiencing toenail fungus and are looking for a truly effective cure to remedy this ailment, our laser removal services has been proven to achieve lasting results and deter the reformation of the fungal infection. Contact us for more details.



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