Treating Toenail Fungus Is Easy With The Right Cure

More than five percent of the population will eventually suffer from an infection of the toenail caused by a fungus. The resulting infection will cause the toenail to become brown or even black. The nail becomes very thick and it will separate from the toe beneath it. In some cases, the nail will fall off completely.

Treating Toenail Infections

This type of infection of the toenail is not only ugly to look at, it can lead to medical complications, especially in those people who have diabetes. For this reason it is important to treat toenail infection in the correct manner.

Popular Home Remedies for Treating Infected Toenails

Many people search for home remedies to treat toenail infection. There are many remedies that have been effective for some people but they are not always effective for everyone.

Some common home remedies for treating toenail infections include:

  • applying a bleach solution
  • applying tea tree oil
  • applying Vicks Vaporub
  • applying lime juice
  • applying emu oil
  • soaking feet in apple cider vinegar solution for two hours
  • wearing cedar insoles

Why The Treatments Do Not Always Work

All these remedies have been recommended by some people who claim the treatment worked while others said it did not help. The reason is that once the fungus that causes the infection has penetrated into the nail, the remedies cannot reach all the spores.

The spores will keep reproducing and spreading. Topical remedies are only likely to work in the early stages of the infection.

Medical Remedies For Treating Toenail Infections

Anyone who has given up on trying to use home remedies to treat toenail fungus will want to see a doctor. However, many of the remedies that are offered by doctors are not necessarily effective.

A doctor may prescribe an antifungal medication such as Terbinafine or Itraconazole. These may take months to be effective if they work at all. In some cases, these drugs can cause serious side effects to the health. Topical ointments prescribed by doctors will work only about ten percent of the time.

Laser Therapy for Infected Toenails

Fortunately there is a new type of therapy that can treat toenail infection effectively. This is with the use of a special laser that delivers a blast of high-powered light waves to the nail. This laser can kill the fungus causing the infection without damaging the nail.

The laser treatment is painless and quick. Some people achieve a complete cure after only one twenty minute session. In more stubborn cases, up to three treatments may be required in order to achieve success.

Our ClearToesClinic has the knowledge and expertise to help you overcome your toenail infection easily and painlessly. Visit


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