The Most Obvious Toenail Fungus Symptoms

toenail fungus symptomsIt is important to know the various toenail fungus symptoms so that you can identify toenail fungal infections during the early stages. If you treat toenail fungus at an early stage, your toenails won’t be discolored or thickened. On the other hand, if you fail to treat toenail fungus early enough, the infection can get worse and in a worst case scenario may lead to nail loss.

Toenail Fungus Symptoms

Some of the toenail fungus symptoms include the following:

  • itchiness
  • pain
  • discoloring of nail plate
  • formation of pus
  • thickening brittle nails
  • toenail lifting

Other Toenail Fungus Symptoms

When nails become infected with fungi, they may also start to separate. The nail actually starts to lift away from the nail bed. This is called onycholysis, and it can be painful. You may also notice a foul odor coming from your toes. This is yet another symptom of a toenail fungi infection. One of the earliest signs to look for is small white or yellow spots under the tip of the nail. If you have certain risk factors that predispose you to nail infections, such as diabetes or exposure to humid environments, you may want to be on the lookout for these spots.

When to Seek Treatment

You need to seek treatment as soon as you see the first signs of a fungus infection. Usually this is a small white or yellow spot on the nail. These infections do not go away without treatment. If anything, they tend to worsen with time. It is important to get your toenails treated right away. This treatment works by killing off the fungi.

Modern Laser Treatments

You will see plenty of over the counter topical creams and ointments for toenail fungus. However, these do not always work. One of the best treatment options are laser treatments. A light is emitted by a laser over your toenails. The light penetrates the nail and kills the fungi on contact. The organisms are instantly killed by the laser. This is a painless procedure, and most people get results.

The success rate is over 90%, which is far higher than any of the other treatment options can offer. The technician will move the laser in certain patterns to make sure every single part of the nail has been treated. It does not take as long as you may think. Most treatments last only thirty minutes or less. You can expect to see a result as new nail growth occurs, which is usually between nine and twelve months.

Laser Treatment For Toenail Fungus

Although there are home remedies that can treat fungal infections, it would still be advisable to visit a clinic that offers laser treatment for toenail fungus. We at Clear Toes Clinic have lots of experience treating toenail fungus patients. If you have symptoms that match toenail fungus symptoms, visit our clinic and our specialists can help get rid of the fungus infection.


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