Effectively Dealing With an Ingrown Toenail

ingrown toenailAn ingrown toenail can be very painful and even become infected. Ingrown toenails are caused when a corner or the side of the toenail begins to grow into the surrounding tissue, cutting into it and causing pain, inflammation, redness and infections.

Causes of Ingrown Toenails

  1. Ingrown nails are frequently caused by shoes that push against the side of the toenail and this causes the nail to grow downward, into the toe instead of straight out, away from the toe. Women who wear high heels with pointed toes are more likely to suffer from ingrown toenails.
  2. Cutting your toenails too short can also lead to ingrown toenails. Similarly, trimming your toenails the same way you trim your finger nails can lead to ingrown nails.
  3. Some people are simply prone to ingrown nails due to genetic factors. The way the nails grow or even the shape of the bone under the nails can sometimes cause ingrown toenails.
  4. If you were involved in any type of accident which injured your toe, you are more likely to suffer from ingrown toenails.

Treating an Ingrown Toenail

  • The fastest way to deal with an ingrown toenail is to pay a visit to your family doctor or a podiatrist. The doctor will numb the toe, cut a small piece of the nail away from the flesh, apply an antibiotic ointment and dress the toe. This is probably the best choice for dealing with an ingrown nail, particularly if it has happened to the same nail more than once.
  •  Another way to deal with the problem is to:
    • soak the foot in warm water several times a day
    • put a small piece of cotton or dental floss under the sore nail to encourage it to grow out instead of in
    • wear open-toed shoes or sandals for a few days and the nail will begin to grow in the correct direction

An ingrown toenail is usually very painful; hence, any treatment should relieve the pressure against the toenail that caused it to grow into the flesh.  If the toe is red or infected, it would help to apply an antibiotic ointment or add a disinfectant to the soak water. Remove the pressure, keep the nail correctly trimmed and clean, and the problem should subside in a few days.

Another unfortunate result of ingrown toenails is that they may allow fungus to enter your toe through the opening on your skin caused by the ingrown toenail. Therefore, it is advisable to treat ingrown toenails as soon as possible to as to prevent fungal infections. If you do develop toenail fungus, you can effectively treat it right away with laser treatment at a reputable clinic.


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