Are Toenail And Fingernail Fungus Treatment The Same?

Millions of people around the world are looking for toenail and fingernail fungus treatment options that work. Unfortunately, not every product that is being marketed by pharmaceutical companies works. The most commonly used treatment for nail fungus infections is topical anti-fungal cream.

Oral anti-fungal medications have also been developed over the years. They are very effective because they get rid of the fungus from the inside. People who are more concerned about how their nails look or the discomfort they cause can also resort to surgical procedures where the entire nail and nail tissue is removed.

However, the latest toenail and fingernail fungus treatment in the market is laser treatment, which can provide the best results of all methods.

Difference between Toenail and Fingernail Fungus Infections

Both toenail and fingernail fungus infections are caused by the same type of fungus. More men than women are reported to have toenail fungus whereas the rate of fingernail fungus infection is higher in women than in men. This is because most women wear open shoes like sandals while men are used to boots and closed shoes. Nail fungus thrives in warm and humid conditions, which can be found in inside closed shoes. The treatment for both toenail and fingernail fungus are the same.

Signs and Symptoms

Fingernail fungal infections manifest in a number of ways. For instance, the nails of the afflicted person will:

  • Become painful
  • Thicken
  • Discolor
  • Crumble at the edges

People who have fungal infections in their nails normally develop white or yellowish spots under their nails.

Who is at Risk?

Generally, adults (and the elderly, in particular) are at a higher risk of developing nail fungus infections than children. However, this is not to say that children do not have nail fungal infections. Other people who are at higher risk of developing this problem include:

  • Diabetics
  • People with low immunity
  • Swimmers
  • Construction and factory workers
  • Athletes

Generally, anyone whose feet are exposed to moist and warm conditions is at a higher risk of contracting this fungal infection.

Toenail and Fingernail Fungus Treatment Using Laser Therapy

Over the years, scientists and researchers have developed many treatments for fungal infections. However, laser therapy seems to be the most effective in getting rid of toenail fungus. While this treatment option might be more expensive than medication, it has been proven very effective in over 90% of cases.  Since the anti fungal creams are not as effective, a person may end up spending the same amount (or more) on medications over time.

During the procedure, a laser beam is used to kill pathogens inside the nail and surrounding tissue. The procedure causes little discomfort and is quick and effective. Please note that some people may need to have several procedures in order to get rid of the fungus completely. The key to success with any fingernail or toenail fungus treatment lies in proper after-care, where you ensure that your feet and hands are dry and well ventilated at all times.



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