A costly and time-consuming manicure or pedicure is simply not going to look good if you have dry cracked skin at the base of your nails. Before you even consider going to a salon, you need to make sure that your nails are in good condition. One key to healthy nails lies in knowing how to care for your cuticles.
What Is a Cuticle?
A cuticle is a strip of skin at the base of the nail that protects the cells that grow the nail from bacteria and infection. For this reason, it is never a good idea to cut your cuticles. If they seem to be out of hand, there are other measures that can be taken.
Taking Care of Your Cuticles
Proper care of your hands and feet means proper care of your cuticles. There are several ways of taking care of your cuticles, and listed below are some tips.
- Always wear protective gloves while working in the garden
- Moisturize your hands and feet regularly
- Maintain a healthy diet
The best time to tend to your cuticles is after a shower or bath, when they will be soft. First, apply a quality remover. Contrary to what the name suggests, a remover will not actually remove your cuticles, just soften them. After the remover has softened them, gently push them back with an orange stick. You can use a buffer to gently remove dead skin left behind, or make small and gentle circles with the stick to loosen the skin, and then wipe it off. If you have any hangnails, it is all right to clip them with a clean and sharp clipper, but try to apply an antibacterial ointment after you do this. As always, moisturize when you are finished.
Dry Cuticles
If your cuticles are torn and dry, or you have hangnails that are bleeding, apply antibacterial ointment and keep them covered with bandage strips until they are healed. Never try pushing cuticles back when they are dry, this will do more harm than good.
Cleanliness Is Essential
If you go for a professional manicure or pedicure, make sure the salon you visit uses only sterilized tools. Likewise, if you do your own mani-pedi, make sure your tools are clean. There is nothing as classically elegant and beautiful as well manicured hands and feet with healthy and carefully cared for cuticles.
Paying attention to your cuticles means that you’ll be ensuring that bacteria won’t grow where it shouldn’t. Toenail fungus is more unsightly than neglected cuticles. But like a spa can take care of your cuticles, a clinic like Clear Toes Clinic can take care of your toenail fungus.