Toenail Fungus? Why You Need to Contact Your Doctor RIGHT NOW

professions toenail fungusToenail fungus. It’s not exactly the most glamorous of topics, or one people particularly want to talk about. We’d all rather pretend something like this doesn’t exist and that it will go away in its own time. But the truth is toenail fungus can develop into an uncomfortable or painful problem. It’s important to get suspected toenail fungus examined by your doctor as soon as possible. The sooner it can be identified, the easier it will be to cure.

First Signs and Symptoms

Getting treatment hinges on identifying toenail fungus when it is still in its incipient stages. So it is useful to know the signs and symptoms of the condition so you know what to look out for:

The first sign is usually a small white or yellow spot under the tip of the nail.

Early stages tend to involve thickened toenails.

• Discoloration is common. The toenail generally turns yellow, green, black, or white.

• If the condition has progressed for awhile, the nail will begin to turn brittle.

• Parts of the nail can break off, leaving the nailbed itself partly exposed.

• There can sometimes be an unpleasant odor.

If you keep an eye out for these symptoms you should be able to identify toenail fungus and be able to seek timely treatment.

As some of these symptoms are like those of other nail-related conditions, lab work may need to ascertain the condition. Remember that the sooner you get treatment the easier it will be to deal with the condition. In the worst cases, surgical removal of the nail can be required so that the nail bed can be treated directly.

Particular Risk Factors

Letting athlete’s foot go untreated often causes it. If you have a recent case of athlete’s foot, or one is still ongoing, it can be an indicator that you are developing toenail fungus.

Toenail fungus can be spread from other people’s feet. This has implications for places like public swimming pools or health spas. The conditions in a typical locker room are great for it as well. It can also be spread via a shower or bath.

Fungi love humidity. This is bad if you work in a humid environment. Or you wear socks and shoes that do not allow ventilation and don’t absorb perspiration.

If you wear heavy-duty footwear (construction worker, you may be at increased risk.

Unfortunately, because new, healthy nail growth has to completely replace the infected nail, laser treatment can take quite a long time to fully reveal the results. Another good reason to get suspected toenail fungus examined as quickly as possible.

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