How to Care for Your Feet Daily to Prevent Toenail Fungus

daily feet care prevent fungus HoustonAround 10 % of Americans suffer from toenail fungus– an infection that affects both the nail and the nail bed. It causes your nail to become thick and discolored, often becoming painful as well. Suffers often hesitate to show their bare feet or wear sandals. They’re embarrassed of their unsightly toenails. However, you can follow these daily feet care tips to prevent toenail fungus.

Daily Prevention Tips

Fungus thrives on excess moisture or perspiration. So there are many things you can change in your daily lifestyle around your home or throughout your gym routine.

• Invest in some flip-flops or shower shoes. Wear these in all public areas like the pool, locker room and shower areas of the gym. This is important because fungus lives in moist areas like shower stalls and bacteria among the locker room.

• Change your socks or hosiery at least once a day. Consider wearing synthetic socks instead of cotton socks because they control the dryness better. Change them whenever your feet become even a little sweaty.

• Air out your shoes whenever possible. So aim to alternate between different pairs of running shoes and sandals. Try to also switch between closed toe shoes and open toed sandals. Toenail fungus often occurs when the toenails are stuck in dark and moist shoes for hours on end.

• Examine your feet daily, checking for:

-Any abnormalities
-Blisters from improper shoes
-Cracking or itching between the toes
-Thick, yellowish toenails, the start of toenail fungus.

• Wash your feet with warm water and an unscented mild soap every day. Avoid long baths or soaking your feet as it dries your skin and feet, possibly causing cracks or infections. Dry your feet thoroughly, taking extra care to dry between each of your toes, as fungus breeds there. Apply lotion over your feet, avoiding the area between your toes.

• Use an anti-fungal foot powder or spray after you clean and dry your feed. Apply to both your feet and the insides of your shoes while they air out.

• Trim your toenails after you’ve washed and dried your feet completely because your nails will be softer and more pliable. Trim your toenails along the natural curve of your nail but don’t cut into the corners. Use a nail file to smooth the edges. Avoid trimming the skin around your nails as this will spread germs and bacteria and cause an infection.

• Disinfect your pedicure supplies, like nail clippers, cuticle pushers or anything else. Bring your own instruments to a reputable salon/ spa, or make sure they sterilize theirs.

While more and more Americans are suffering from toenail fungus, these daily feet care tips will go a long way.

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