What 5 Top Experts Say About Toenail Discoloration

toenail discolorationToenail discoloration can not only be unsightly, it can actually be a sign of more serious illness within your body.

The state of your nails can often be an indicator of hidden health problems you may not be aware of. Amy Newburger is a dermatologist at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Medical Consortium in New York. She says that major changes in the body can often be seen in discoloration on your nails.

The following explores what some medical experts are saying about toenail discoloration.

Discoloration Due to Fungus

Left untreated, fungal infections can cause a noticeable discoloration on your toenails over time. You’ll notice your toenails turning a whitish hue along with becoming thicker and more brittle. These physical symptoms may be accompanied by pain and swelling. The fungus may spread to your foot, hands and legs, creating cracks in your skin where bacteria can enter and cause infections.

Dr. Boni E. Elewski, a dermatology professor at the University of Alabama, warns against letting fungal infections go untreated for too long. Consult your physician to learn more about treatment options to heal your fungal condition.

Discoloration and Cancer

Black vertical lines on your nails accompanied by deeply pigmented skin beneath the nail could be signs of melanoma. This is according to Jane Andersen, podiatrist and member of the American Podiatric Medical Association.

Dark skin is more susceptible to this type of melanoma. Although not all dark lines on dark-skinned individuals signify the presence of this disease. By getting a checkup from your physician, you can alleviate any doubts as to your state of health.

Red and brown streaks running parallel to nail growth could be splinter hemorrhages caused by bleeding beneath the nails.

Splinter hemorrhages could be an indication of heart trouble. It could be endocarditis, an infection of your heart valves. These same lines, however, could be caused by sharp blows or other injuries to your nail. When in doubt, get a checkup from your physician.

Other Warning Signs of Toenail Discoloration

Toenail discoloration could be warning signs of various other conditions like:

• Hepatitis
• Lupus
• Psoriasis
• Anemia

This is according to Dr. Joshua Fox, a spokesperson for the American Academy of Dermatology.

Pale nails could be an indication of low red blood-cell count, commonly associated with anemia. If the nail bed turns thin and curved with raised ridges, it could be a sign of iron deficiency.

Dr. Fox often checks the state of his patient’s nails for clues of hidden illnesses. The following are a few things to watch out for:

• Lupus – angular blood vessels within the nail folds
• Psoriasis – nail bed splitting
• Heart trouble – red nail beds
• Thyroid disease – dry, frail nails that easily crack and split

Yellow Nail Syndrome

Yellow nail syndrome is a rare form of nail discoloration associated with the condition lymphedema. Dr. Jennifer Shu, pediatrician at Children’s Medical Group, says this is a sign of diabetes, liver disease or lung problems.

Lack of Vitamin B-12 could result in nails turning dark, thin and spoon shaped. Your physician can determine if this is the result of nutrition deficiencies or any other illness.

At the first changes in the color or state of your nails, don’t hesitate to get a medical checkup.

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