Keep your toes healthy this summer

toenail fungus recoveryToenail fungus problems can often pop up more often in the summer, when we are more active, wearing sandals more often and the heat is up.

Here are a few ways to keep your feet healthy and avoid toenail fungus!

  • Wear flip-flops or other shoes around the beach or pools. These public areas can often be breeding grounds for bacteria
  • Limit walking barefoot. It can expose your feet to sunburns as well as infections, injuries, athlete’s foot and more.
  • If you’re wearing athletic shoes for intense exercise, invest in high-quality sweat-resistant socks, available at most running stores or sporting goods stores
  • If your shoes are getting wet during an activity at the beach, lake or river, make sure to let them dry completely before wearing them again to prevent bacteria or fungus from growing
  • Be cautious at nail salons when getting your summer pedicure. Pick a salon that is clean, uses plastic liners in pedicure stations, and disposes of utensils after use.

Trying to get rid of toenail fungus? Call Clear Toes Clinic at (713) 570-6157


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