How to Treat Toenail Fungus in Children

It can be a lengthy, challenging process to eradicate toenail fungus in children. Of course, most children will not want to have medication applied to their nails each day, which only exacerbates the problem further. If you think that toenail fungus is affecting your child, visit your primary care physician to confirm if this is true. During your appointment, you can inquire about the best type of treatment for your particular circumstances.

An Overview of Toenail Fungus in Children

Toenail fungus, or onychomycosis, appears whenever fungi invades the nails. While people of every age suffer from the condition, it is more frequent in older children. Also, it commonly occurs in adults who use public shower rooms and pools, have low blood circulation and sweat heavily.

In children, symptoms of the condition might include brittle or thickened nails, along with yellow discoloration or darkening of the nails. Usually, the affected nails partially separate from the bed of the nails. This increases the likelihood of dirt collecting under the loosened nails.

Treating Toenail Fungus in Children

Typically, conventional toenail fungus treatments include oral and topical antifungal medication. Popular oral medication for this condition is itraconazole and terbinafine. These medications work by stopping the fungus from invading fresh nail growth.

Thus, the fungi will not completely vanish until the affected area of the nail grows out. Normally, physicians recommend topical lotions for more moderate instances of toenail fungus. This is because typically, the lotions produce mediocre results in serious cases.

Other Treatments

Consult your physician if you are interested in alternative remedies for toenail fungus. While no clinical trials conclusively prove it works, anecdotal evidence indicates that vinegar might help to reduce nail fungus symptoms. Joe Graedon (who is co-author of “The People’s Pharmacy” and assistant professor at Eshelman Pharmacy School, at North Carolina University) states that vinegar hinders the development of nail fungus by creating an acidic environment.

Ask your physician if it is OK to use vinegar. If it is OK, bathe your child’s foot each day in a mixture of two parts water and one part vinegar. Keep doing this until the fungus disappears.

Toenail fungus in children can also be treated using laser therapy. This procedure is safe and is one of the best ways to cure toenail fungus. You will however have to take your child to the toenail specialist and sit in with your child during the treatment session.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Usually, toenail fungus is an extremely stubborn condition that takes many months to eliminate. You can make the treatment you are prescribed more effective by improving the conditions that triggered the condition in the first instance. Encourage correct foot hygiene, such as regular foot washing, changing socks and avoiding any footwear that prohibits ventilation.

In public areas (such as gyms and swimming pools), always ensure that your child wears sandals or shoes. Finally, always rinse your hands after you touch the affected nails.


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