Top 10 Toenail Fungus Prevention Tips

Anyone who has ever been affected by toenail fungus must have learned one or more toenail fungus prevention tips in a bid to keep the infection at bay. For effective prevention to take place, a person first needs to understand the nature of the infection and how it spreads. Fungi are microorganisms that thrive in places that are warm and moist. Therefore, good nail hygiene is all that is needed to keep the infection at bay. The following are the top 10 prevention tips.

1. Do Not Walk Barefoot in Public Places

Toenail fungus is contagious. Therefore, you should never walk barefoot in locker rooms, public swimming pools and showers.

2. Keep Your Toes and Fingernails Short, Clean and Dry

Always cut your nails and file them down. When you take a shower or wash your hands and feet, remember to thoroughly dry them including in between your fingers and toes.

3. Use anti Fungals Creams

Before you put on your shoes, you may want to spray or sprinkle some anti-fungal powder to the inside of your shoes as well as onto your feet. This will kill any fungus that you may already be in contact with.

4. Get Your Manicures and Pedicures From a Reputable Establishment

Fungal infections are very contagious. If the same equipment that was used on an infected person is used on another person without disinfection, the infection will spread. Therefore, you may want to get your manicures and pedicures from reputable establishments.

5. Disinfect Your Hands After Working On Infected Nails

If you have nail fungus on your toenails, it is important that you wash your hands thoroughly to prevent the infection from spreading to your fingernails.

6. Stop Using Artificial Nails and Nail Polish

While infected nails may look very ugly, covering them up with polish or artificial nails may trap some moisture and worsen the condition.

7. Wear Appropriate Socks

The type of socks you put on can determine whether or not you get a fungal infection. If your feet sweat a lot, you may want to put on synthetic socks as opposed to cotton socks which absorb sweat and stay wet. During the day, consider removing your shoes to allow any moisture to evaporate.

8. Do Not Wear Shoes That Are Not Yours

When you go bowling, do not rent bowling shoes. Wearing shoes that have been worn by dozens of people before you is a sure way to get fungal infections and many other contagious diseases.

9. Wear Rubber Gloves

Wearing rubber gloves when your hands are underwater for extended periods will keep your nails strong and fungal infections at bay.

10. Moisturize Your Cuticles

Dry and cracked cuticles can be entry points for fungi. Therefore, they need to be moisturized.

Prevention efforts may sometimes fail. Fortunately, there are several treatment options that can be explored if toenail fungus prevention is unsuccessful. Laser treatment for toenail fungus is one of the best ways to treat toenail fungus.


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