Fungi in the Body More Than Previously Thought

It is a common misconception that you have fungi when the feet starts itching and there are strange smells coming from between your toes. The truth, however, is that we have at least 200 different fungi inhabiting our feet. In fact, different types of fungi live everywhere in the body, but they are most often found under the toenails and between the toes. Most of these fungi are harmless and only cause the common symptoms of infection when they start to multiply.

Fungi in the Body

According to a study by a team from the National Human Genome Research Institute in Maryland, the amount of fungi varies in different parts of the body. The most complex collection of fungi, however, is found in the heel which is home to 80 types of fungi. This was found after an inspection of 60 types of toenail clippings and 40 swabs taken from between the toes. Aside from the heel, other favorite spots include the palm, the inner side of the elbow and the forearm. This is not surprising, since fungi thrive in moist and warm environments.

The data gathered provides a baseline for the fungal populations in normal individuals, according to lead researcher Dr. Julia Segre; it has changed the misconception that we only have a few kinds of fungi thriving on our skin. With this information, researchers like her are telling the public to wear flip flops in locker rooms to avoid coming into contact with the many kinds of fungi coming from someone else’s feet. The study also supports the theory that an imbalance of microbes in the skin can make it more vulnerable to fungal infection. A normal level of good bacteria which is naturally present on the skin is also one barrier to fungal infection.

When Does Infection Start?

According to Dr. Paul Dyer, a fungal expert of Nottingham University, a large variety of fungi actually coexist happily with the body and its other inhabitants. It is only when a person has a poor immune system that a fungal infection has a better chance to flourish and cause an infection. In normal people, the presence of fungi may not present with any symptoms. However, in people with weakened immune systems, fungal activity becomes more severe and the symptoms of infection manifest in a shorter span of time.

The kind and amount of fungi in the body, especially in the feet, are higher than what was previously known. Although most fungal organisms are harmless, they can become sources of infection when the body’s immune system is compromised. It is therefore important to make sure that the body is at a lesser risk for infection. Normal individuals with healthy immune systems should also take precautions since fungal infections can also take the form of growths on the skin which can become sources of itch and irritation.


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