Top 5 Summer Foot Care Tips For Men

Summer is the time of the season when foot care tips for men are most important. Men that disregard preventive techniques to keep their feet clean and dry can expect some sort of toenail fungus problem. Heat and moisture are the key ingredients for toenail fungus to thrive. The tips provided below will help stave off contracting any type of toe fungus if they are taken to heart. Men that have this fungus active on their toe nails already need to take special care to prevent spreading of the disease as well.

Wash Your Feet Frequently

At the very minimum your feet should be washed and dried thoroughly before going to sleep. Apply topical cream after drying them to keep fungus at bay.

Change Socks Frequently

This is especially important if a man has some sort of toenail fungus that is active already. Thick and absorbent socks are idea for men especially if you have sweaty feet. They feel comfortable and will help stop the spread of the fungus.

Wear Fitting Shoes

Wearing shoes that feel comfortable is just as important. Tight fitting shoes may look good but they are not good if you have any type of toenail fungus. Even if you do not have it, it is a wise idea to wear comfortable fitting shoes during the hottest part of the year.

Wear Open Shoes Often

This is especially important in the spa or shower area of any gym. Exercise is good for the body but protecting your feet afterwards with shower sandals is important to minimize the risk of spreading toenail fungus or contracting the disease from someone else.

This fungus is highly contagious and can be passed on from one person’s foot to another just by walking in the same area.

Give Your Feet a Break

You need to let your feet breathe with no constriction. Wearing sandals is the best way to ensure that there is proper circulation of air in your feet. Allowing your feet to breathe can prevent toenail fungus infection.



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