The Facts Behind Toenail Fungus

Nail fungus is a condition that can affect the toenails and fingernails. The medical term for this condition is onychomycosis. Fungal infections are more likely to affect the toenails. One of the first signs of a fungal infection is a yellow or white spot on the nails. If the infection is left untreated, then it will continue to grow and spread. Eventually, the nails will become discolored, thickened and brittle.

What Causes Nail Fungus?

  • Age- People who are over the age of 60 are more likely to develop a toenail fungus infection.
  • Medical Problems- Diabetics and people with a compromised immune system or poor circulation are more likely to develop nail fungus.
  • Shoes- wearing shoes that are very tight or small can put a-lot of pressure on the foot. This can increase the risk of a toenail fungus infection.
  • Nail Injury- The nail will be more likely to become infected if it is damaged.
  • Walking Barefooted In Public Places- Toenail fungus can very easily spread in showers, swimming pools and other public places. Therefore, if you walk around barefooted, then you will be more likely to develop a toenail fungus infection.
  • Moisture- A moist environment makes it a-lot easier for the fungus to grow. Your feet are in shoes and socks all day, and that makes it easy to trap moisture. This is also one of the reasons that fungus is more likely to affect the toenails.
  • Failure to Take Proper Sanitation at Spas- Unfortunately, many people do not adhere to sanitary guidelines. That is why fungus can very easily spread in pedicure baths. Nail technicians will have to make sure that they clean and disinfectant all items in between each client.
  • Athlete’s Foot- The same fungus that causes athlete’s foot can also cause toenail fungus.


  • Foul odor in the nail
  • Yellow or white spots in the nail
  • Pain when walking and/or wearing shoes
  • Discolored nails
  • Thickened nails


There are a variety of treatments available for toenail fungus. First and foremost, you will need to see a health care professional in order to confirm that you do have toenail fungus. The severity of your fungal infection is one of the factors that will determine the type of treatment that the doctor uses.


Taking the proper foot care tips will help reduce your risk of developing a toenail fungus infection. You should make sure that you keep your feet clean. You should also make sure that you keep your nails short and neat. Wearing shoes in public places, drying your feet off fully and wearing cotton socks are some of the other things that can reduce your risk of developing a toenail fungus infection.

How We Can Help People With Toenail Fungus

Laser toenail fungus treatment is a safe and effective. Clear Toes Clinic is Houston’s leading provider of laser treatments for toenail fungus, contact us today for a free consultation.


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