Nail Fungus Infections: Causes And Risks

Onychomycosis and tinea unguium are other names for toenail fungus infection. This is a common nail disease that develops once fungi invades the nail bed or the nail. While it is known to invade the fingernails as well, it is commonly seen in toenails. This condition can cause the toenails to discolor and causes thickening of the nail. The edges will appear to be crumbly. While this is not generally a life-threatening problem, it can lead to serious conditions if it remains untreated, especially if a person has a weakened immune system to begin with.

Causes of Nail Fungus Infections

While there are many types of fungi that can cause this infection in children,, men and women, the most common causative microorganism are those called dermatophytes. This is otherwise called athlete’s foot or ringworm. Please note that this fungus is highly contagious. It prefers warm and moist environments like pools and shower areas. Other known types of fungi, yeast and molds are also common culprits.

Walking Around Barefooted

The main cause of nail fungi infections is walking around barefoot on floors with active fungi. Thus, shower areas and pools are primary locations, especially if it is a shared area. Your best defense would be to wear flip flops or shoes when navigating a shared area. At home, you should clean your bathroom area with bleach and other anti-fungal solutions regularly.

People who wear closed shoes all the time are also at a risk of developing this condition as some dermatophytes live in our bodies and wait for the right opportunity to wreak havoc. Thus, areas that remain moist for long are great breeding grounds for these type of fungi. It would be wise to invest in well-ventilated footwear, especially when you exercise. Medicated foot powder also helps get rid of the extra moisture and the bad microorganisms.

Immunosuppression is another factor that you should consider. If you have a condition wherein you have weaker immunity, you are prone to all sorts of infections as your body’s immune response cannot cope up with the continuous onslaught. Do what you can to improve your immune health and take the necessary precautions to avoid nail fungus infections from developing.

It would be best to avoid sharing items like toenail clippers, socks and towels as well. People sometimes forget that these infectious agents are highly contagious. They feed off skin cells and thus, they can thrive well on you. Wash your clothes and other items regularly with anti-fungal cleaner, especially if you have gone through a recent bout with this condition. This will help you avoid reinfection.

While toenail infections are highly contagious, they are a common occurrence. A physician may prescribe both topical and oral medication. However, please avoid using them longer than prescribed as they may also cause liver damage. The best remedy for toenail fungus is laser treatment. The procedure is safe, effective, and only lasts a few minutes. If you would like to try this procedure, contact us today for a free consultation.


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