What Everyone Ought to Know About Nail Fungus Treatment for Pregnant Women

Finding real nail fungus treatment for pregnant women is not impossible. For people who are not pregnant, it can be as easy as taking a pill, which works for almost all patients. However, pregnant women have to be careful what they put in their bodies as it could be dangerous to the unborn baby.

What is Nail Fungus?

It is usually a yellow or white spot that is found at the very tip of your nail. Most people think it is just an imperfection in the nail and wait for it to grow out, but it doesn’t. It can travel to the nail bed and cause your nails to crumble or change color.

Nail Fungus Treatment for Pregnant Women

The best thing to do if you are pregnant is to ask your doctor for advice. He or she will be able to tell you what you can take. However, most experts agree you can use topical fungal sprays and even some creams to try to stop nail fungus. If you are afraid to use these or your doctor has warned you not to, there are other options you can try. These may not work, but they will be safe for your unborn baby.

Home Remedies for Nail Fungus

Vinegar – Whether you have apple cider vinegar or just plain white vinegar, soak your feet with a mixture of two parts warm water and one part vinegar for at least 15 minutes once per day.

Baking Soda Mixture – The mixture is simple: one half cup of regular baking soda, one-fourth cup peroxide, four cups hot water, and half cup Epsom salts. Mix all the ingredients together and soak your foot in the mixture. You can also apply the mixture with a cotton ball, but it will take more treatments.

Mouthwash – Listerine works the best, but any mouthwash with the same ingredients will work, as long as it is an antiseptic. Some say to soak your feet for 15 minutes and others say to pour about one half cup over the infection.

Lemon Juice – This is considered an antiseptic as well (you know the feeling when you squeeze lemon juice and you have a small cut on your hand and it burns). It is because of the citric acid in the lemon. It may not help cure the nail fungus, but will keep it from spreading. To use, apply the juice directly to your nail. Leave it for about 10 minutes, and then rinse well with water. You can also mix the lemon juice with the same amount of olive oil and massage the mix into the area.

Nail fungus treatment for pregnant women is possible. All you have to do is contact us for a free consultation. We are the leading provider of laser treatments for toenail fungus, and we are happy to help you.


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