Does Wearing High Heels Lead to Ingrown Toenails?

painful high heels

Many women are willing to sacrifice everything for beauty and fashion and that includes comfort and health. For instance, wearing high heels especially those with very thin heels may look sexy and elongating to the legs but how safe is it for your feet?

What Experts Have to Say about Ingrown Toenails

According to Loyola Medicine, the top most causes of ingrown toenails are pointed shoes and high heels. Pointed shoes tend to constrict the space around the toes and increase the pressure especially on the big toe. Long-term and continuous use of stilettos with pointed heels can create pressure on the toenails. Chronic pressure then leads the corners and sides of the toenails to dig downwards into the skin. This can lead the toenails to grow into the skin instead of outside.

Additionally, sharp nail corners can cause punctures to the skin which may contribute to secondary infection. Dr. Bela Pandit, a podiatrist, also confirmed that pointed toes are the worst culprit among heeled shoes. Ingrown toenails can also result from tight-fitting shoes with very high heels, she added.

Another podiatrist, Marlene Reid categorized ingrown toenails into two categories. The first category is the initial development of the ingrown toenail which usually starts when a piece of nail pushes back into the skin. The second category of ingrown toenails is caused by damage or trauma to the root or nail, or damage from an infection. Additionally, wearing tight stockings or hosiery can also contribute to the development of ingrown toenails. Genetic pre-disposition also plays a role in the development of the condition.

How to Avoid Ingrown Toenails

What Footwear to Wear

According to experts, the best way to avoid nail ingrown is by refraining from putting chronic pressure to your toes and feet. This means, avoid wearing narrow shoes and tight hosiery. Choose rounded toe heels over pointed ones. If one has to wear high heeled shoes every day, avoid walking or standing for longer periods. Chunky or bigger heels are also better compared to slimmer ones.

Foot Care

Foot and nail care must not also be taken for granted. Treat your feet to a warm, soapy bath at home. Soak your feet in lukewarm water with Epsom salts dissolved in it. This will help relax tired, aching feet as well as soften calluses. When trimming toenails, avoid shaping the top and edges to round. It should be straight so the edges of the nails will grow outwards. Always dry feet thoroughly after a bath. Apply a mild antiseptic to prevent infection if skin cracks are present around the nails.
If suffering from ingrown toenails, schedule for an appointment with us and have your toenails checked. Left untreated, foot problems can lead to swelling, inflammation and discharge which can hamper you from walking normally. Severe cases of toenail discomfort from a fungal infection will sometimes need more than one treatment, but results are usually excellent.


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