How to Take for Your Feet and Toenails

Foot care - Trimming Nails

It is entirely possible to have healthy toenails with a little attention and care. After we have our toenails and feet in a healthy condition, it only requires minimal maintenance to keep them feeling and looking their best. The following is a list of some simple things that you can do to improve and care for your feet and toenails.

Nail Care Tips 101

When your toenails are healthy, they should have a pink shine.

Toenails grow from the nail base to the tip, and oxygen and air are received from the white crescent-shaped lanulas.
At times, a thin layer of skin will grow over the lanula, blocking air from getting to the root. Handle this by pushing it gently back, and trimming it off carefully.

Cuticles must only be cared for by professionals, such as a Pedicurist trained in cuticle care, a Chiropodist, or a Podiatrist. An individual who has blood circulation issues should seek out advice from someone specialized, such as a Diabetes Podiatrist or Chiropodist.

Top Ten Tips for Making Your Toenails and Feet Healthy

1. Keratin is what nails are made out of, and if a person is consuming a healthy and balanced diet, they will develop very well. Some non-animal food sources which are great for keratin development are beans, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds. Consume vitamin supplements for a boost of vitamins.

2. Bathe your feet at least one time a day for healthy toenails and feet. Mild antiseptic soap and mildly warm water is the best for this foot bath. Be sure to wash underneath your toes and between them. Gently massage to cleanse, improve circulation, and disinfect your feet.

3. Be sure to dry your nails and feet completely. Use a soft dry towel between and under your toes. This will help to get rid of moisture that many fungal infections use in order to spread.

4. Cut and trim your toenails at least once a month, using good quality trimmers or clippers. Cut them straight across, not along the top or sides. Do not cut them too short, because that can lead to ingrown toenails.

5. Gently massage a good antiseptic foot powder into your skin after you have trimmed your nails. Watch out for any signs that an issue is developing with your feet. Then, you will be able to avoid such conditions.

6. Wear a clean pair of socks every day. Choose those that have natural fibers in them. Make sure that they are loose fitting, and that you have shoes which are the right size for you.

7. Take a barefoot walk along the seashore. This will exfoliate and massage your skin. It acts as a natural deodorant, and promotes healthy toenails — as long as the area you’re in is clean!

8. Have a toe and foot massage around once a week. Use a natural foot cream, preferably with aloe. You can have your partner or someone else help you with this unless you have a fungal infection.

9. Wear open-toed sandals as much as possible. This will allow for your feet to breathe. If you choose to wear sports shoes, choose those with good ventilation.

10. If you use locker rooms, public showers, or public pools, then wear non-slip shoes. This will prevent your feet from direct contact with the surface. That way, you can avoid bacteria and fungus.

Take the time every day to care for your feet. Then you will have beautiful and healthy toenails. You owe it to yourself to do so.


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