Toenail Fungus Recovery and Post-Care

toenail fungus recoveryYou’ll be happy to learn that there is no toenail fungus recovery period. In addition, toenail fungus post care is a simple process.

There are many things you can do to prevent the re-occurrence of this unsightly condition. The more proactive you are, in following these tips, the less chance you’ll have of your toenails being re-infected.

This is especially true if you’re a diabetic or have a compromised immune system. These are just two of the things that put you at higher risk, when it comes to nail fungus.

Choose the Correct Footwear

The best type of shoe to wear, to avoid this problem, is a style with a box-shaped toe. This provides plenty of room to move your toes, to avoid cramping. It also allows more room, so your feet are less likely to sweat.

Purchase footwear made out of “breathable” material such as mesh or leather. This allows your feet to stay as cool as possible. Avoid wearing nylon or other synthetic socks. Cotton socks are the recommended choice.

Perform Proper Grooming Techniques

Part of toenail fungus post treatment is keeping your feet clean and dry. Trim your nails short and straight across. Be very careful not to cut the cuticles. Doing so puts you at a greater risk of infection.

If possible, sterilize scissors and clippers between each use. The process only takes a couple of minutes and helps to ensure that you continue to be fungus-free. Never share grooming tools or bath towels with family members. This is one common way that fungal nail infection spreads.

Limit Nail Polish Use

Resist the temptation to wear nail polish, on a consistent basis. In the event that toenail fungus does reoccur, the polish only traps it. It also traps moisture. This gives the fungus more time to grow and spread, before you notice the re-occurrence. If you must wear polish, consider limiting usage to special occasions.

Wear Shoes in Public Places

Always wear shoes in public places such as the pool, the spa or public shower facilities. Flip-flops or beach shoes are recommended. In addition to helping to eliminate the possibility of contracting a fungal nail infection, wearing these shoes also protect your feet from other injuries.

Remember, now that you have clear nails, it’s extremely important to follow the toenail fungus post care information provided above. If you don’t, there’s a good chance that you’ll have to seek treatment again and go through another toenail fungus recovery period.

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