Toenail Care: Easy Ways to Get Great Looking Toenails

foor care HoustonYour feet are probably the most used part of your body. They are also the hardest working part, getting you from A to B and doing a lot of running around for you. This is why it makes sense to prioritize toenail care for your feet. However, with the hectic pace of everyday life, most people neglect their feet and suffer the consequences.

As a result, conditions like athlete’s foot, toenail fungus and ingrown toenails start to arise. These conditions give your nail an unsightly appearance. But, in most cases the effects are reversible and with a little TLC, your feet can look as good as new again.

Practicing Proper Foot Hygiene

Good hygiene in your feet, should never be underestimated. Due to a substantial amount of working and walking, your feet do tend to accumulate dust and dirt by the end of the day. A good hygienic practice would be to thoroughly wash your feet before going to bed at night. Even if you prefer to shower in the morning, your feet should be washed before going to bed. You should also make sure that you dry your feet properly, even if you have to use a hairdryer on low heat, to do so. This will ensure that they look and feel good.

This practice will keep infections caused by fungus away. Fungi cannot thrive in hygienic and dry conditions.

Give Yourself a Pedicure in the Comfort of Your Home

Pampering your feet doesn’t have to cost loads of money. You can help your feet feel good and look great right in the comfort of your home, by having a homemade pedicure. A pedicure should be done at least every 2 weeks to keep your feet in tip top appearance. Pedicures make sure that the dead skin cells are removed, exposing healthy skin underneath. It is also a great way to boost your confidence in summer months when wearing sandals and slippers.

Step by Step Pedicure

Soak your feet in water at lukewarm temperature for anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes. If your feet need extra relaxation, you may soak them for longer. If the skin on the soles of your feet are rough, hard and dry – you may add a few drops of essential oils to the water to soften the skin. Use a ready made foot scrub to exfoliate dead skin cells or make your own. Once this is done, you should use a foot file to file rough skin away at the soles.

Your toenail should be cur straight across and not curved at the edges in order to avoid ingrown toenails. You may also use a cuticle softener, before pushing back your cuticles. Alternatively, many people choose to leave this part out entirely and go straight for the nail polish. Using nail polish at this stage is recommended as your feet are cleaned and pampered and the nail polish will go on smoothly. Choose a color of your choice and apply a base coat to keep your nails from staining. Follow this with 2 coats for nail polish for a smooth and luxurious look.

Moisture is Key to Great Looking Feet

A great tip to wake up to moisturized feet is to apply foot cream or petroleum jelly to your entire foot before going to bed and then put on socks.

Soft and smooth feet are achievable if you invest the time and make the effort to maintain your beautiful feet.

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