Socks and Sandals: Fashion Faux Pas That Can Keep Your Feet Healthy

socks and sandalsAccording to a recent Huffington Post survey, those who wear socks and sandals are guilty of committing the #1 fashion faux pas of all time… well almost.

There is good news, however. Many of these same footwear rebels are doing something that can actually improve their overall feet health. Here’s why.

Covering your feet, as opposed to going barefoot, greatly reduces the risk of getting toenail fungus from an unprotected surface. Fungal nail infection isn’t fun and it can happen to anybody. There’s no point pretending it’s not there. Once you have it, it won’t go away on its own, even if you happen to be a magician.

Sandals protect your feet, while you’re at the beach or public pool. Think of the fashion statement you’ll make, wearing groovy (or at least colorful) socks to fit the occasion. Peace signs, sharks or sandcastles… oh my!

It’s important to buy cotton socks, due to the fact that cotton allows your feet to ‘breathe.’ This in turn helps to prevent your feet from sweating. Fungus grows extremely well on moist skin, so your goal is to keep your toes as dry as possible.

If you think you might be dealing with toenail fungus, there’s no better time to book a consultation with us. We promise NOT to make fun of your socks! Signs that you might have a problem include:

• Yellow nails
• Pain or swelling around the nail
• An unpleasant odor
• debris under the nail
• Nail separation from the nail bed underneath

Wearing socks and sandals will probably always be controversial, just as it was in the beginning. Believe it or not, it’s a trend that has been part of many cultures for hundreds of years.

There is actual evidence that the old Romans wore socks and sandals, almost 2000 years ago. This archaeological dig took place in, what’s now, Leeming, North Yorkshire, England.

Opinion-wise, it’s really hit or miss. In 2010, the UK-based Daily Telegraph reported that this crazy combo was the ‘in’ thing to wear.

More recently, the Daily Mail has been accused of making fun of celebs such as Justin Bieber and David Beckham for sporting the style. Imagine what would happen, if the news broke that this was a secret fashion choice of the Queen?

It’s not likely that this faux pas will soon come to an end. It’s on the same list as hair scrunchies, crop tops and platform shoes for men.

So, the next time you see socks and sandals on someone in the grocery store or your grandma’s home movie, congratulate them for both being unique and having healthy feet. He or she will thank you for it!

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