How to Trim Fungal Nails

Most people who have a nail infection do not know much about trimming fungal nails. A fungal infection can change the appearance and texture of a nail, which makes trimming a difficult task. A fungal infection causes nail discoloration and eventually the infected nail becomes very thick and begins to separate. People who develop a nail infection should begin treating it as soon as possible to prevent the fungus from spreading. Although many effective treatment options can cure an infection, it takes time for a healthy nail to grow out and replace the damaged one. It usually takes between six months and one year for a fingernail to complete its growth cycle and it takes an even longer period for a toenail to grow out.

Tools Needed For Trimming Fungal Nails

While nails are growing out people need to trim them carefully to prevent a secondary infection. When a fungal infection causes nails to thicken it makes the trimming process quite challenging. If an infected nail has developed ridges, it is difficult to trim the nail evenly. Most nail clippers cannot penetrate a thickened nail. People may have to use special clippers or emery boards in order to successfully trim affected nails.

How to Trim an Infected Fingernail or Toenail

People should soak their infected nails for ten minutes in warm water mixed with a small amount of Epsom Salts, apple cider vinegar or tea tree oil. This will help to cleanse and soften the nail so it is easier to trim. Fungus can spread to other finger or toenails if nail clippers are not disinfected. People should disinfect any nail tools used on an infected nail and emery boards should be thrown out after use.

Trimming Fungal Nails With Clippers

The most effective way to trim an infected nail is to clip away small parts of the nail. People should take their time when clipping a damaged nail. Nails should be clipped straight across because rounded edges can lead to painful ingrown nails. If the nail has separated it is better to let a professional remove the nail to avoid further damage.

Avoiding a Fungal Infection

People can contract a fungal fingernail or toenail infection by receiving manicures or pedicures in a salon that does not disinfect their nail tools after each client. They can also get an infection from a public place like a gym or public swimming pool. Fungal infections can also develop when feet become wet or damp for long periods. Wearing breathable exercise shoes or changing wet work socks can help keep feet healthy and dry.

Treating an Infection

Once a fingernail or toenail becomes infected, people can apply over-the-counter anti-fungal treatments to stop the spread of the fungus. The quickest way to cure nail fungus is with laser treatments. A single laser treatment can kill nail fungus so people can simply let the nail grow out without worrying about having to apply anti-fungal medications each day. Most people are able to trim their infected toenails while they grow out, but those who have trouble trimming fungal nails should contact a podiatrist for advice.


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