Is Athlete’s Foot Dangerous?

toenail fungusIf you’re dealing with athlete’s foot or tinea pedis, you’re probably wondering whether or not the condition is dangerous. Unfortunately, the answer is yes. In certain instances, this skin problem is potentially dangerous.

Individuals who have specific medical issues are more prone to these potential problems than the general population. This includes people with diabetes, cancer and HIV or other immune-related issues.

Tinea pedis is a fungal infection. This particular type of fungus generally thrives on the outer parts of the body… skin, nails and hair. However, it is capable of going deeper into the body.

That being said, here are some of the dangers of athlete’s foot, which you need to be aware of.


Cellulitis is inflammation, caused by a bacterial infection of the skin. When fungus eventually injures the skin, the skin’s protective barrier is broken. This allows fungus to migrate inside the body and attack deep layers of skin along with soft and fatty tissues.

If left untreated, cellulitis can lead to much more serious conditions such as blood poisoning and infection of the bone. The most common symptom of cellulitis is red areas of skin, which are tender and hot to the touch.

Antibiotics are typically used to treat this condition, which is a rare complication of athlete’s foot. But, it does happen.

Fungal Nail Infection

Toenail fungus is another complication of tinea pedis, which occurs sometimes when athlete’s foot goes untreated. Symptoms of toenail fungus include:

  • Redness and swelling
  • A foul odor
  • A nail that separates from the skin underneath
  • Yellowing nails
  • Ridges or cracks in the nail
  • Crumbly nails

This condition can be treated with a number of over-the-counter medications or home remedies. You also have the option of seeking doctor or dermatologist assistance, to treat the problem.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that toenail fungus will go away on its own. It won’t and only gets worse, without proper treatment.

Bacterial Infection

One of the most common symptoms of tinea pedis is cracked and irritated skin. This exposes raw tissue underneath, giving fungi the perfect place to grow. Bacterial infection spreads quickly and can affect any part of the body. So, it’s extremely dangerous if left untreated.

It should be noted that for the majority of the population, tinea pedis can be treated without complication. The key to successfully eradicating athlete’s foot, without putting yourself in danger, is to begin treatment as soon as you notice any signs and symptoms.

Click the following link if you think you may have athlete’s foot.


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