How Is Toenail Fungus Related To The Type Of Shoes Worn?

shoes that cause toenail fungusAre there any shoes that cause toenail fungus?

Most types of fungi thrive in warm and moist environments. Its presence is often attributed to bad habits that lead to such unfavorable conditions.

These include:
• The tendency to walk barefoot
• Frequent use of sports facilities
• Unhygienic practices
• Wearing inappropriate kinds of shoes

The latter may strike some as odd but proper footwear is vital in the prevention of all sorts of fungal infections. Let’s take a look at the characteristics of shoes that cause toenail fungus to make avoidance easier.

Shoes that Cause Toenail Fungus

Undersized shoes are among the biggest culprits. When a shoe is too small for a person’s foot, everything becomes cramped and uncomfortable inside.

The toes may get hunched, which is painful to walk on. They may bump into the front of the shoes especially when descending inclines. This could lead to injured toes that will become more prone to fungal infection.

Aside from the length, people should also pay attention to the width. Lots of models come in a variety of widths to suit different foot types. The toe box, in particular, should have enough room for the toes to splay out in a natural manner. Things should not feel too tight as this may result in awkward movements and injuries that invite fungus to appear.

The material should also be considered. There are shoes that trap air and moisture inside because the upper is not very breathable. This can make the feet unbearably warm in the summer or when performing vigorous activities. Fungus loves these conditions as they can grow and multiply faster. When buying a new pair, be sure to check the quality of the materials used.

Shoes for Toenail Fungus

Athletes and other active individuals are the ones who often suffer from this condition. Their tendency to train nearly every day under sun and sweat makes them prime targets.

Those who have already acquired it must implement drastic changes to their daily routines. They must become more conscious of their hygiene and steer clear of dirty areas. They have to cease going barefoot and use appropriate footwear at all times. Medication and other forms of treatment are not enough. They have to avert re-infection by wearing shoes for toenail fungus.

Contrary to popular belief, the feet are not static in size. They are smaller in the morning when we are fresh out of bed and bigger in the evening after a whole day’s worth of walking and exercise. It is therefore best to purchase shoes late in the day to get just the right size.

Runners, for example, should use shoes 1/2 to a full size up in anticipation of natural swelling during training and races.

Most major companies offer different widths for their athletic shoes. Choose accordingly to be free of discomfort, achieve peak performance, and keep away from infections. The smart way to shop is to go the traditional route of trying out several pairs. Online shopping could also work if there is already a high level of familiarity with certain shoe models. However, the fit sometimes changes depending on the batch and iteration.

Wear pairs that have a breathable upper whenever possible. This lets air come in and out without any problems. The constant flow will keep things from getting stale on the inside. Good ventilation will also control heat build-up and perspiration. Fungus will have a hard time growing in a cool and dry environment.

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