3 Foot Massage Tips For Better Blood Circulation

foot massage techniquesAs you probably already know, a foot massage not only feels great, it’s wonderful for your circulation. Proper circulation is imperative for healthy feet. Why? Bad circulation oftentimes leads to problems such as toenail fungus, swelling feet and ankles and difficulty walking.

This relaxing activity is something you can do in the comfort of your own home. Consider the following foot massage tips to get you started.

Prepare Your Feet

It’s not a good idea to just start massaging your feet without preparing to do so. First, soak your feet for 5 to 10 minutes. This warms your feet and helps promote better circulation. Dry your feet with warm towel. For best results, your feet and legs should be supported by a sofa or similar piece of furniture. Obviously, you’re going to work on one foot at a time. Keep your other foot wrapped in a towel. Next, use your favorite massage oil or lotion, rubbing it on your entire foot to just above the ankle.

Apply Pressure

Don’t be afraid to apply a bit of pressure to your foot. This really helps the blood to circulate, which is the main reason for a massage in the first place. First, use both hands to massage the top and bottom of your foot. Next, concentrate on your toes. Massage each toe, while gently stretching it and moving it in a circular motion. The last thing you want to do is knead the bottom of your foot with your knuckles. If you prefer a little less pressure, make circular motions with your thumbs instead.

Remove Excess Oil or Lotion

When you’re done with the massage, wipe away or rub in any excess oil or lotion. Put on a pair of your favorite socks to seal in the moisture.

It’s not a secret that thousands of people deal with some type of foot problem at least once in their lifetime. Why not take the time to learn more about the art of massaging your feet. You’ll be glad you did!

This information just skims the surface, when it comes to the importance and techniques of foot massage. If you would like more information on the subject, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re readily available to share some of our own foot massage tips and other ways to keep your feet healthy.


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