Toenail Fungus: A Complete Guide

Toenail Fungus guide
Toenail fungus creates small yellow or white spots underneath the nails. This type of infection can be caused by mold, yeast, or fungi. Eventually, the fungus causes the nails to become brittle, discoloured, and finally fall off. Here is a complete guide to toenail fungus development.

How Did I Get It?

It’s simple, fungus infections are the result of being exposed to mold, yeast, or fungus. You probably had direct contact with an object already infected with the organisms. The most common areas are public showers, hot tubs, and near swimming pools. People walk around barefoot in these areas and the constantly damp atmosphere provides a perfect place for fungus to breed.

How the Fungus Thrives

Fungi are a life form, so they require specific conditions to survive on your body. It needs a damp, warm environment, so closed shoes or sweaty socks provide a perfect condition. If you already have athletes foot, it may also spread to infect the toenails.

Diagnosing an Infection

All fungus infections should be diagnosed by a doctor who can recommend proper treatments. The exact treatment will depend on the strain of fungus you are infected with and your individual case. You will also need to consult a doctor because some of your current medications may be causing side effects similar to a fungus infection. The doctor will usually take a clip of your nail and check it under a microscope to check for fungi.

Treatment Options

Early stages of infection can be treated with topical cream from your local pharmacy. If your nails are not responding to the treatments, your doctor may prescribe oral medications. Some strains of fungi can be difficult to get rid of, so your doctor may prescribe both oral and topical treatments. If you are worried that the fungus won’t go away that easily, a popular, quicker choice is to get laser treatment on the infection. To ensure the infection is completely eradicated, you will need to go for a check-up after taking the medication so the doctor can check if the fungi completely disappeared.

Home Remedies

There are several home remedies that can also be used for killing the fungi under your nails. The most popular are Listerine, vinegar, and tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is anti-fungal and also used for treating a host of skin disorders. In fact, many of the topical creams at your local pharmacy contain tea tree oil. For more information on home remedies, visit Clear Toes’ Home Remedies guide.


Toenail fungus is an annoying condition, but it is fairly easy to get rid of. To make sure the infection doesn’t come back, keep your nails trimmed and practice proper hygiene. After exercise or walking through the rain, take off your shoes and socks and make sure your feet are dry. People with psoriasis and diabetes should be extra careful since they have a greater risk of getting fungal infection.


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