How to Determine If You Have Toenail Fungus

If you are like a lot of people, then you want to know how to determine if you have toenail fungus. Toenail fungus, which is sometimes referred to as Onychomycosis, is a problem that affects about 12 percent of the population. This condition can very easily worsen and lead to other health conditions if it is left untreated. That is why it is important for you to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms so that you can get medical attention.

Determining If You Have Toenail Fungus

Below are some of the possible signs and symptoms of toenail fungus:

Change In Nail Color

You will notice a change in your nail color if your nails have been infected with fungus. Your nails may be yellowish, brownish or whitish in color. This color change is caused by the debris that builds up underneath the nails. You may also notice fluid discharge coming from the infected nails.

Dull Nails

Dull nails are another very common sign of toenail fungus. Your nails may not have any shine or luster.

Crumble Nails Are A Sign of Toenail Fungus

As the infection worsens, your nails will become more brittle. They may also crumble. Furthermore, your nails may become distorted in shape.


Onycholysis is a condition that describes a nail that has separated from the nail bed. This is one of the many problems that can result if toenail fungus is not treated.

How To Treat Nail Fungus

Nail fungus is something that can be very difficult to treat.  That is why this is a recurring problem for many people. The good news is that laser treatment has been shown to be very effective. In fact, studies have shown that this procedure is over 90 percent effective at killing toenail fungus. The heat from the laser destroys the fungus.

One of the reasons that you should consider choosing this treatment over other procedures is that it is very safe. Other toenail fungus treatments come with the risks of unwanted side effects. Laser treatment is also pain-free. Most patients describe the sensation that they feel when they get this treatment as snapping or warming. Therefore, no numbing cream or anesthesia is needed during this procedure.

It is important to note that you will not notice a change immediately after you get the treatment. However, you will notice a major difference when the infected nails begin to grow out, which typically takes between three and six months.  The full nails will grow out within six to twelve months.

How We Can Help

If you want to give laser treatment a try, then you should contact us at Clear Toes Clinic. We will be more than happy to help you get rid of that bothersome toenail fungus.


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